Lorem Ipsum

Writing practice

Trade Fairs, Country Fairs and Industrial Exhibitions

Have you ever been to a trade show?

I haven’t been to trade shows so often because I’m not into them so much. However, when I was a kid, namely I was 5 or 6 years old, I was brought by my father to some trade shows featuring video games several times. I liked playing video games at the time therefore I was really excited about it and even after becoming older I sometimes check some events which are dealing with these kinds of products. Besides that, I never attended any other shows except for job fairs.


Are arms trade exhibitions immoral?

I don’t think arms trade exhibitions are immoral. First of all, I suppose the industryies of armies or weapons are becoming more crucial because of the present world situation. Furthermore, some countries are relying on this industry as a main industry. Japan is not a exception too and it has begun to export weapons to other countries since last year because the goverment enacted a legislation for selling weapons. I guess trade exhibitions are important not only for companies but also people in those countries in order to know how exactly army-related-products has developed in several decades and influences which could arise by adopting them.