Lorem Ipsum

Writing practice

The Art of Conversation

How do conversations between men and women differ?
I suppose it depends on the person whether we feel difference of conversations between men and women. To begin with, men are usually thought that they are good at logical talking and women more like emotional ones in general. However, how their conversations are seems to be decided by which universities they graduate or how they were raised in childhood and so on. Therefore, there are a variety of ways to have conversations and I guess it has nothing to do with gender.

Do you always want to be right?
It depends on the occasion. For instance, when it comes to discussions which are unfolded among co-workers in companies, those who are right could be more easily changeable than any other situations. Although I always try to convince them somehow, if it seems to be not easy, I don’t hesitate to admit that I'm wrong and willing to obey them. I want to be flexible as much as possible.